PRODECK SD54-200-600
Product code
PRODECK SD54-200-600
Price : Liên hệ
(Tiếng Việt) Tấm sàn PRODECK SD54-200-600 là loại được sản xuất từ thép mạ kẽm hoặc mạ hợp kim nhôm kẽm, chiều dày tấm từ 0,60 mm đến 1,20 mm, hình sóng tam giác, chiều cao sóng 54 mm.
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PRODECK SD54-200-600 is a part of a composite system, which includes concrete, steel deck, and rebar.
PRODECK SD54-200-600 acts as a connection to the structural steel frame system of the building and as the bottom formwork for the floor system when the concrete is still wet.
PRODECK SD54-200-600 is manufactured from galvanized steel or aluminum alloy in coils with thickness from 0.60 mm to 1.20 mm, dove-tail shape, wave height 54 mm.
Advantages of using PRODECK SD54-200-600:
+ The floor structure is light, reducing the workload.
+ Simple production, transportation and installation, fast construction speed.
+ Reduced construction cost when selected from the design stage.
+ Used in a variety of construction for high-rise steel structures and industrial construction.