What is floor deck?

Floor deck is actually the floor panels are manufactured in the factory automation. When constructed, the graft was just small plates together into large flat surface and pour concrete on top, without the use of formwork, pouring wood protection as traditional roofs.
Structured deck floor is a whirlpool galvanized corrugated sheets, welded beams above with a circular hollow steel, triangular cross section. A plate measuring 60 cm long, 4-6 meters, weighing about 30-40 kg, with 2 beams suitable for transporting galvanized assembly. When constructed, we’ll hook the panels together to form a large surface area, overlap the ends walls. In between each of the two beams to book 1 empty plastic box regeneration (to create a gap in the concrete, reducing the consumption of concrete, thereby reducing the volume of the floor). Finally, the concrete will be covered over the entire surface side.

Floor deck – effective application of pre-engineered steel building

Steel Buildings is the kind of house do use steel structures including the main frame (columns, steel truss); Shaped steel plate; Sun roof.

Steel Buildings are kind of ideal for use in factories, warehouses, exhibit, supermarket by the following characteristics:

– Load slightly against other materials helps reduce pressure load.
– Save filler material (compared to traditional home construction).
– Installation of simple, rapid, despite the weather conditions.
– Take full advantage of warehouse space.
– Uniformity high.
– Ease of scaling.
– Less costly time and money.

Being a perennial, PROSCO proud that leading companies in the manufacturing and construction sectors deck floors in multiple buildings.

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